JN News Update

May, 11th, Sixteenth meeting

President: term 4

Senate: term 3

Current Problems

Old Problems

Poland: Low temperture causing fruit farming lost, 8ER, 10AR, and 35RP problem. Presented a request for aid asking for 35RP. The request for aid passes, comes from Russia. Payed the rest 8ER and 10AR.

USA: Thunderstorms and tornados, 115RP problem. Presented a request for aid asking for 80RP. The request for aid passes, comes from the HRP. Payed the rest 35RP.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Nigeria: #19 Energy sources shortage. Chose option 2, it rains!

Iran: #20 A falled meteor. Chose to ignore, aliens attacked. Payed 1RP to defend the aliens.

New Random Events

Poland: #08 Air polution from neigbor countries. Ignored.

Spain: #11 Insects species ruin crop plants. Ignored.

Argentina: #14 Countries fighting over islands. Ignored.

USA: #16 Government made economy turn worse. Loses 30RP.

Israel: #24 Foreign forces trying to effect elections. Chose option 2, payed the 30RP, things stayed stable.

Russia: #25 University stands high in college rankings. Gained 15RP.


The Wealthiest Nation

The ambassador of Poland, Isaac, in first place. Rewarded by 1000$ for the SangMing  Book Store.

The ambassador of Azerbijan, Joel, in second place. Rewarded by 700$ for the SangMing Book Store.

The ambassador of Russia, Ken, in third place. Rewarded by 500$ for the SangMing Book Store.

The Most Outstanding Nation

The ambassador of Poland, Isaac. Rewarded by 800$ for the SangMing Book Store.

The Most Improved Nation

The ambassador of Vietnam, Melody. Rewarded by 500$ for the SangMing Book Store.

The Rookie of the Year

The ambassador of South Africa, Chloe. Rewarded by 500$ for the SangMing Book Store.

May, 4th, Fifteenth meeting

President: term 3

Senate: term 2

Current Problems

Old Problems

Iran: Iran sent millitary weapons to harm Israel, then Israel's revenge was to sent back. 75RP problem, payed.

Israel: Iran sent millitary weapons to harm Israel, then Israel's revenge was to sent back. 75RP problem. Ignored, getting worse, became a 95RP problem for next meeting.

USA: Iran sent millitary weapons to harm Israel, then Israel's revenge was to sent back. 48RP problem, payed.

Spain: Climate change causing german cockroaches spreading in, not afraid of pesticides, infestations are up 33%. 40RP problem, payed.

Vietnam: Becaise of the corruption crisis, bank system became unstable, the governmant decided to implement a bank bailout. 45RP problem, payed.

Spain: Comes from the ignored young people protest event. 20RP problem, payed.

New Problems

Poland: Low temperture causing fruit farming lost, yeilds lost may fall up to 70%. 8ER, 10AR, and 35RP problem.

USA: Thunderstorms and tornados causing damage in the US's heartland, and school class cancled because of US government's action to Gaza. 115RP problem.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Nigeria: #23 Farmers burning forests to plant crops and breed cows, while the world wants forests to be protected to slow down globel warming. Chose option 2, gains 1AP.

Nigeria: #14 The disputed island is fought over by many countries, although it may be small. The ambassador of USA presented a resolution to gain the islands, the resolution passes. USA gains the island, gains 60RP.

Vietnam: #22 Immigrated group of people making original people feeling scared. Chose option 4, payed the 30RP, government didn't stay in power, wins the  Nobel Peace Prize. Gains 50RP.

Spain: #4 Young people protesting because of the corporate-friendly legislation that is just passed. Chose option 1, corporations left, loses 15RP. USA, Poland, and Russia, which is in pain's region, gains 5RP each.

New Random Problems

Nigeria: #19 Winter is coming, the plan of changing energy sources is not as successful as imagine. Result pending.

Iran: #20 A meteor falled from the space, landing in the country, bringing unknown events. Result pending.

Mexico: #10 A nuclear scientist coming from the neigboring country for saftey and peace, the hard part is where to put the scientist. Chose option 3, scientific breakthrough, gains 5TP.

New Business

The ambassador of Russia presented a resolution to add Meeting postponement rules.

Meeting postponement rules: When a meeting starts, if absent ambassandors are no lesser than 50%, the meeting will be delayed by one week. This rule will only be executed once, the next meeting will be held on the week right after the postponed meeting.

The resolution wasn't passed.

March, 30th, Thirteenth meeting

President: term1

Senate: term 4

First, we had president elections.

The ambassador of  Russia nominated himself.

The ambassador of USA nominated the ambassador of Australia.

The ambassador of Russia is elected as president.

The ambassador of Russia nominated the ambassador of Poland to serve as senate for him.

Current Problems

Old Problems

Russia:War, Ukrain  forcing Russia to to divert resources. 40RP and 5ER problem, payed.

Iran: Droughts, 25% of farmer lost their jobs, dust storm frequencyis increasing. 38RP and 6AR problem, payed.

Poland: Greenhouse ga, farmers are striking and protesting. 38RP and 5AR problem, payed.

New Problems

USA: A ship out of control crashing in to a brige, causing damage to harbor, affecting economy. 100RP problem.

Russia: Terrorist attack such as gunman entering concert hall shooting, 140 people died and resorces are strained. 60RP problem.

Nigeria and South Africa: Alot of water and air pollution and disease in decreasing people's life expectation. 1 IP, 1 EP, or 45 RP problem each.

Argentina: Because of climate change, the dengue fever carrying via mosquitoesare spreading in to the territory. 40RP  problem.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Spain: #4 Young people protesting because of the corporate-friendly legislation that is just passed. Absent, the problem continues. Result pending.

Vietnam: #2 A new disease appeared, without good contain, it might become pandemic. Chose option 2, presented a request for aid asking for 40RP. The request for aid passes,     the 40RP comes from the HRF, payed the 10RP.

Nigeria: #14 The disputed island is fought over by many countries, although it may be small. Chose option 1. Result pending.

New Random Problems

Vietnam: #22 Immigrated group of people making original people feeling scared. Result pending.

USA: #15 The governmaent passed a needed reform, making the country awesome. Gains 30RP.

Australia: #12 A rich patriot left his wealth to his people. Result pending.

Azerbijan: #23 When taking care of nature is needed, farmers want to cut down trees to grow stuff. Result pending.

March, 16th, Twleveth meeting

President: term4

Senate: term3

Current Problems

Old Problems

USA: Heat waves causing wild fire and thunder storms. 40RP, payed.

Vietnam: Big heat waves causing farmers not being able to grow rice. 31RP, payed.

Spain: Drought( The driest winter in the recent history). 39RP, payed.

New Problems

Russia: During the war, Ukrain is sending drones to attack Russia oil refineries,  forcing Russia to to divert resources. 40RP and 5ER problem.

Iran: Years of rain under the normal level causing droughts, 25% of farmer lost their jobs, dust storm frequencyis increasing. 38RP and 6AR problem.

Poland: The country is trying to cut greenhouse gas in an unfair way, farmers are striking and protesting. 38RP and 5AR problem.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Mexico: #11  Insect species. Chose option 1, payed the 25RP, no loss, no spread.

South Africa: #21 Nuclear weapon. Chose option 1, no civil war.

Azerbaijian: #4 Young people protest. Chose option 2, payed the 10RP, protests end, no business comes.

New Random Problems

Spain: #4 Young people protesting because of the corporate-friendly legislation that is just passed. Result pending.

Vietnam: #2 A new disease appeared, without good contain, it might become pandemic. Result pending.

Nigeria: #14 The disputed island is fought over by many countries, although it may be small. Result pending.


The ambassador of Azerbijan presented a resolution to remove Human renting tax.

The resolution passes.

March, 2nd, Eleventh meeting

President: term3

Senate: term2

Current Problems

Old Problems 

Poland: Ukraine crops pouring into the market, heavy traffic. 35RP, payed.

South Africa: Wildfires out of control. 36RP, payed.

New Problems

America: Heat waves causing wild fire and thunder storms. 40RP

Vietnam: Big heat waves causing farmers not being able to grow rice. 31RP

Spain: Drought( The driest winter in the recent history). 39RP

Random Events

Old Random Events

Argentina: #24, chose number 2, problem solved.

New Random Problems

Mexico: #11  An invasive species of insect destroying crops. (Next meeting)

South Africa: #21 A dangerous nuclear weapon created. (Next meeting)

Australia: #1 Oil discovered. Chose number 1, invested 26RP and gains 26RP.

Azerbaijian: #4 Teenager protests causing heavy traffics. ( Next meeting)


Febuary, 3rd, Tenth meeting

President: term 2

Senate: term 1

The ambassador of Russia nominated himself.

The ambassador of Iran nominated himself.

The ambassador of Australia nominated herself.

The ambassador of Azerbijan nominated himself.

Russia, Iran, and Australia were elected.

Current Problems

Old Problems

Mexico: less rainfall and drought, needs water sources, 30RP problem. Presented a request for aid seeking 15RP, fails. Payed.

Argentina: inflation rate increasing and poverty, 55RP problem. Presented a request for aid seeking 55RP, passes.

Nigeria donated 5RP.

The US donated 40RP.

The rest 10RP comes from the HRF.

Australia: fire ants going in, hurting wild animals, 35RP problem. Presented a request for aid seeking 5RP, passes. Payed the rest 30RP.

The 5RP comes from the HRF.

New Problems

Poland: Ukraine crops going in, traffic jam, 35RP problem. Result pending.

South Africa: wildfire causing heat, dry weather and strong coastal winds, 36RP problem. Result pending.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Iran#6:chooses option 1, needed 40RP. Payed.

New Random Events

Australia#17: climate changes causing pendemic. Protected because there is vaccine.

Argentina#24: foreign government trying to manipulate elections. Result pending.


The ambassador of Azerbijan presented a resolution to make HRP trading possible.

HRP trading: 1.Two countries can rent and lend population.

        2.The two countries trading should both give 0.5RP to HRF for every 1 population moves.

                3.The population lended should be returned in 3 months.

The ambassador of the US suggest: Every trade need to be documented using trade agreement forms. Passes.

The ambassador of Azerbijan suggest: Counties trading can add terms to the agreemant. Passes.

The ambassador of Russia suggest: Change the HRP return dead line from 3 months to 3 meetings. Passes.

The ambassador of Russia suggest: 1.Last trading should be done before 3 meetings to the last one.

2.All HRP shouls be returnedmust be returned by the last meeting. Failed.

The ambassador of Iran suggest: All HRP must be returned before the last meeting. Passes.

The ambassador of Australia suggest: Two countries trading can decide the returning deadline on the trade agreement form, as long as it is no later than before the last meeting. Passes.

The resolution passes.

The ambassador of Nigeria presented a resolution to add polution standered rules.

Pollution standered rules: 1.Water pollution: If RPI is between 3.1 and 5, the country loses 1RP. If the RPI is       between 5.1 and 6, loses 2RP. If the RPI is above 6, loses 3RP.

    2.Air pollution: If AQI is above 500, the country loses 5RP. If AQI is between 400       and 499, loses 4RP. If AQI is between 300 and 399, loses 3RP. If AQI is between       200 and 299, loses 2RP. If AQI is between 100 and 199, loses 1RP.

    3.The fines from the countries will go to the HRF.

The resolution passes.

January, 20th, Ninth meeting

President: term 1

Senate: term 4

Iran and USA nominated themselves for president, USA became the president.

Current Problems

Old Problems

America and Iran: Terrorist groups that are supporting Hamas and Israel are starting to attack shippings in the Red Sea. 20RP and 3IR. Payed.

Nigeria: Islamic terrorists massacred Christans on Christmas, 22RP.Payed.

Iran: Two explosions, causing many people's safety in danger. 25RP Payed.

Russia: The war between Russia and Ukraine, 35 RP and 2 IR. Payed.

USA:  The incidence of congenital syphilis has risen ten fold, 65RP, a 5% increase in death rate. Payed.

New Problems

Mexico: Drought, locals can't find more water to use, 30RP.

Australia: Fire ants spotted in Queensland, 35RP.

Spain: Lowest birth rate recorded, a 1% decrease in birth rate, 25RP.(Protected)

Argentina: Inflation,  40% of Argentinians live in poverty, 55RP( Foreign investments only).

Random Events

Old Random Events

Nigeria#8: Heavy pollution, chose number 5, the resolution didn't pass. ( Next meeting)

New Random Events

Azerbaijan#17: Chose number 1, gets 4RP from each country.All countries are protected from mosquito related illnesses one time. 

Russia#12: Chose number 2. 

Iran#6: Heavy floods.( Next meeting)

Poland#16P:Loses 30RP:(


Azerbaijan, Russia, Poland made an alliance  called EETF!!

Eastern European Treaty Organ

January, 6th, Eighth meeting

President: term4

Senate: term3

Current Problems

Old Problems

Vietnam: Second highest abortion rate, a 5 % decrease in birth rate, 25 RP, payed.

Nigeria: Drone strike during a Muslim festival, 27RP, payed.

Australia: Heat wave, 28RP, payed.

Japan: Fish dead and washed to shore, 18RP, payed.

Israel: War with Hamas in Gaza strip, 2AR, 4IR, 45RP, requested for 4IR, 45RP. The request for aid passed.  America donated 4IR and 20RP, NIgeria donated 10RPThe Human Rights Fund paid 15RP.

New Problems

America and Iran: Terrorist groups that are supporting Hamas and Israel are starting to attack shippings in the Red Sea. 20RP and 3IR.

Nigeria: Islamic terrorists massacred Christans on Christmas, 22RP.

Iran: Two explosions, causing many people's safety in danger. 25RP

Russia: The war between Russia and Ukraine, 35 RP and 2 IR.

Random Events

Old Random Events

America#13 Fifa world cup, Russia won by bidding 38.3RP. Gets 46.7RP.

Australia#11 Insects harming crops. Chose number4, the resolution passed. The Human Rights Fund paid 39.9RP, America donated 20RP, Poland payed 10.1RP, Azerbaijan donated 10RP.

South Africa#1 Poland invest 25RP, doesn't gain any RP.

Argentina#14 Unclaimed islands, America gets the ownership of the Drop Ancher islands. Gets 60RP.

New Random Events

Nigeria#8 heavy pollution.( Next meeting)

Iran#25 Gets 15RP.

Russia#18 Chose number 1, payed 30RP, no drug war.


Japan donated 12RP to Human Rights Fund.

December, 9th, Seventh meeting

President: term3

Senate: term2

Current Problems

Old Problems

Poland: Supplies to Ukraine being blocked, 35RP. Requested for 25RP, the request for aid failed. Payed 35RP

Vietnam: Flooding, 2AR,30RP. Requested for 20RP, the request for aid passed. The Human Rights Fund donated 16RP, Vietnam payed 20RP and loses 2AR.

Azerbaijan, Russia, Poland (Spain doesn't need to pay due to the random event 12): Reforcements to Finland/Migrants, 23RP.Payed.

Iran: Brain drain/ Staffing shortfall, 2% increase in death rate, 35RP. Payed.

Israel: Gaza strip/ Hamas, 1AR,2IR,20RP (NOT HERE)

New Problems

Vietnam: Second highest abortion rate, 5% decrease in birth rate, 25RP

Nigeria: Drone strike during a Muslim festival, 27RP.

Australia: Heat wave, 28RP.

Japan: Fish dead and being washed to shore, 18RP.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Iran #21 Nuclear weapons, choose number 1, problem solved.

USA#2 Deadly diease, choose number 3, payed 25 RP. Problem solved.

Argentina#14 Unclaimed islands, choose number 1, America tried to claim the islands but failed. The islands still remains unclaimed.

New Random Events

Spain#12 A rich patriot leving him money to "the people", choose number 2, problem solved. 

America#13 Fifa world cup (Next meeting)

South Africa#1 Oil being discovered, choose number2.

Australia#11 Insects harming crops. (Next meeting)

November, 25th, Sixth meeting

President: term2

Senate: term1

We voted for senates,  the ambassadors of Iran, Russia, and South Africa were selected.

Current Problems

Old Problems

Australia: Phone and Internet service outage, 28RP. Requested for 28RP, the request for aid passed. Nigeria donated 28RP

South Africa: Mosquito borne and illegal gold mining, 30 RP, 1IP, a 1.5 % increase of death rate. Requested for 20RP, the request for aid passed. South Africa payed 10 RP, USA, Azerbaijan, Poland donated 3RP, the human rights fund donated 11RP.

Russia: Santions because of the war with Ukraine, 26RP, payed.

New Current Problems

Poland: Supplies to Ukraine being blocked, 35RP

Vietnam: A heavy flood, 2AR, 30RP

Azerbaijan, Russia, Spain,Poland: Migrants and reinforcements to Finland, 23RP.

Iran: Brain Drain/ Staffing shortfalls 2% increase in " Death Rate", 35RP

Israel: War between Hamas/ Gaza strip, 1AR, 2IR, 20RP

Old random events

USA: #14, Chose number2, got the ownership of the islands.

Argentina:#19, Chose number3, payed 9.6RP to Russia

New Random Events

Vietnam:#25, got 25RP

Iran:#21 Nuclear weapons and long range missles (Next meeting)

USA:#2 A deadly diease (Next meeting)

Argentina:#14 Ownership of the Islands (Next meeting)

New resolutions

The ambassador of USA repersented a resolution: 

The resolution did not pass, but the president vetoed. The resolution, at last, passed.

The ambassador of Iran later presented another resolution.

Change the JN dept to 50% of RP

The resolution did not pass

November, 11th, Fifth meeting

Senator: term4

Firstly, we voted for the president, the ambassadors of Iran, Russia, and USA nominated themselves, Iran withdrew. USA, was elected as president. Next, we voted for the secretary, Poland was nominated and elected.

Current Problems

Old problems

Poland: Ukrainian refugees, 37RP problem, payed.

Vietnam: Housing crisis, 29RP problem. Requested for 25RP, the request for aid passed.

USA donated 10RP

Russia donated 10RP

Iran donated 5RP

Vietnam payed 4RP

USA: Military bases in Iraq and Syria were destroyed, 30RP problem, payed.

Mexico: Hurricane, 27RP problem. Requested for 27RP, the request for aid passed.

The Human Rights Fund donated 17RP

Mexico payed 10RP

Nigeria: Diptheria, 35RP problem. Requested for 20RP, the request for aid passed.

The Human Rights Fund donated 11.4RP

Azerbaijan donated 4.3RP

Russia donated 4.3RP

Nigeria payed 15RP

New problems

Australia: Phone and Internet service outage, 28RP problem.

South Africa: Mosquito borne, 39RP problem. Illegal gold mining, 36RP problem.

Random Events

Old Random Events

Nigeria#24: Chose number 2, payed 30RP, problem solved.

Japan Drug traffic:12RP problem, Payed 

New Random Events

USA#14 Ownership of islands (Next meeting).

Iran#19 Energy crisis, chose number 3 gave 11.5RP to Russia.

Argentina#19 Energy crisis (Next meeting).

Azerbaijan#12 A rich patriot's wealth, chose number 1, got 20RP.

October, 28th, Fourth meeting

President: term4

The Ambassador of Russia absented. The Ambassador of Azerbijan served to him as president for this meeting.

Senator: term4

The Ambassador of Azerbijan served as president. The Ambassador of Iran served as senator for him this meeting.

Current Problems

Old Problems

Israel : Rocket attack from a Palestinian group, Hamas, 75RP problem, Israel reguested for 50RP.

The request for aid passed.

The US donated 10RP

Azerbijan donated 10RP

Vietnam donated 10RP

Mexico donated 5RP

Spain donated 5RP

Poland donated 5RP

Australia donated 5RP

Israel payed 25RP

Argentina: Wildfire, 25RP problem, Argentina requested for 7RP.

The requet for aid passed.

Mexico donated 2RP

The HRF payed 4RP (5*0.8)

Argentina payed 18RP

Mexico: Hurricane Lydia, 16RP problem, Mexico requested for 16RP.

The request for aid passed.

Azerbijan donated 6RP

The HRF payed 8RP (10*0.8)

Nigeria: Diptheria outbreak, 20RP problem, absented, result pending.

Iran: Economic growth damaged, 25RP problem each meeting, presented a resolution.

The resolution passed. (Remove sanctions)

Japan: Increased oil prices, 15RP problem, payed.

New Problems

Poland 37RP: Supporting refugees from Ukraine.

Vietnam 29RP: Falling demand of housing.

US 30RP: Terrorist attacks, live fire exercises and increased security.

Mexico 27RP: Strongest hurrican.

Random Events

Old Random Events

USA:#10 Nuclear scientist, chose option 3, payed 35RP.

Scientific breakthrough, gain 5TP

Nigeria:#24 Manipulated elections, absented, result pending.

Spain:#12 Rich patriots wealth, chose option 2.

New Random Events

Iran:#24 foreign government manipulating elections, chose option 1.

New Business

The ambassador of Poland presented a resolution adding population system.

The resolution passes.

Population system: 1. EP, HRP.

    2. AR, IR, ER.

    3. Birth and Death rate.

The ambassador of US presented a resolution adding the JN work position of secrety.

The resolution passed.

Secrety: 1. Assists the states and standings recording. 

2. Serve for life. (whole school year)

3. Gain 15RP per meeting.

October, 14th, Third meeting

President: term3

Senator: term3

Current Problems

Old Problems

USA: Illegal workers/ tropical storm, presented a resolution.

          The resolution passed. 

1. Establishes the JN Human Rights Fund as a high tech aid agency (10TP) to support countries dealing with human rights issues.  (Requests for aid related to human rights will first come out of the fund.)

2. A 0.5 RP tax on all JN points transactions, the tax goes into the Human Rights Fund.

3. Requires matching donations by the JN's richest country into the fund when other countries voluntarily donate to the fund.

Iran: Sanctions, presented a resolution for removing sanctions. The resolution did not pass. 

          The sanctions caused a 25RP problem, Iran requested for 25RP

           The resolution passed.

           USA donated 14RP

           Iran payed 11RP

Nigeria: Weakened currency, 30RP problem, requested for 30RP

          The resolution passed.

          Australia donated 30RP

Argentina: Inflation, 26RP problem, requested for 16RP.

         The resolution passed. 

         Nigeria donated 8RP

         Mexico donated 4RP

         Poland, Iran, Azerbaigan, Russia donated 1RP

        Argentina pays the remaining 10RP

Mexico: Gang violence, 28RP Problem. Payed.

New Problems

Israel 75RP: Rocket attack from a Palestinian group, Hamas.

Argentina 25RP: wildfire

Mexico 16RP: Hurricane Lydia

NIgeria 20RP: Diptheria outbreak

Random Events

Old Random Events

Australia: #18 Illgeal drugs 

Australia payed 10RP

Russia, Vietnam payed 9.6RP

USA, Mexico payed 9.2RP

Spain: #8 Heavy pollution, 17.2RP problem, payed

Iran:#8 Pollution, chose number 5, presented a resolution.

The resolution passed. (Enviormental standards)

Enviormental standards: 1. AQI higher than 500 (1RP)

                                              2. Water pollution outside HQ 5-9 (1RP)

Spain:#1 Discovered oil, chose number 1

Vietnam:#14 Discovered islands, chose number one.

                 Russia and USA presented resolutions to gain control of the islands.

                 Russia gained the "Kisa" Islands.

New Random Events

Iran:#22 A minority group, chose number 1, loses power (20RP)

USA:#10 Nuclear scientist: result pending  (Next meeting)

Nigeria:#24 Manipulated elections: result pending  (Next meeting)

Spain:#12 Rich patriots wealth: result pending  (Next meeting)


September, 30th, Second meeting

President: term2

Senator: term2

Current Problems

Old Problems

Azerbaigan:  Stravation, 21.5 RP problem, payed

Spain: Floods, requested for 22 RP

The request for aid passed:

                                           Iran donated 1 RP

                                       Russia, Nigeria, Australia, South America, Israel, Mexico, Japan donated 2 RP

                                           Azerbaijan donated 3 RP 

                                       USA donated 4 RP

Russia: Drone attacks, 19.2 RP problem, payed

Australia:  Rising energy prices, 20 RP (All countries in the European and Asian region need to  pay 3 RP)

Australia Payed 20 RP

Russia, Japan, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Spain, Poland, Ukraine all payed 3 RP

New Problems

USA 30 RP or pass a JN resolution that creates a fund for immigrants: Illegal workers/ tropical storm/ chemical fire 

Iran 25 RP each meeting or get the sanctions removed by resolution: Iranian nuclear program/ sanctions 

Nigeria 30 RP in aid from the JN: Weakened currency

Argentina 26 RP: Economic woes/ inflation 

Mexico 28 RP: Gang violence/ Drugs/ 12 people murdered

Japan 10 RP:  Increased oil prices 

Random Events

Old Random Events

Nigeria #21 Nuclear weapon: Chose number 1, problem solved

Australia #18  Illegal drugs: Chose number 2, gets 30 RP, loses 1 AP

Spain #8  Heavy pollution: Chose number 1 --------- national health crisis ( Problem continues)

                                            Pay 50 RP with a 66% chance of the crisis continuing (20 RP more for each week it continues.)

Vietnam #11 Insect spread: Chose number 4, the resolution to get the JN to invest 80RP did not pass

                                              Chose number 1, payed 25 RP,  lossed  1 AP. No chance of insect spread

New Random Events

Iran #8  Heavy pollution, result pending  (Next meeting)

Spain #1 Discovered oil, result pending  (Next meeting)

Vietnam #14  The ownership of islands, result pending  (Next meeting)

September 9th, First Meeting

President: term1

Senator: term1

First, we voted for the president,

The ambassadors of Russia and the USA were nominated

The ambassador of Russia won by 10 votes,  while the USA had two.

Next, we voted for three senators 

The ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Australia, Spain, and the USA were nominated

The ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Australia, and Spain (Spain and the USA were tied each with 4 votes, the president broke the tie) were selected.

Lastly, we voted for 2 history committees

The ambassadors of Nigeria, Vietnam, and Russia were nominated 

The ambassadors of Nigeria and Vietnam were selected.

Current Problems

Azerbaijan 22 RP: Stravation/ No supplies

Spain 25 RP: Heavy floods

Russia 20 RP: Drone attacks from Ukraine

Australia 20 RP, all countries in the European and Asian region 3 RP : Rising energy prices

Random Events

Nigeria #21Nuclear weapon, result pending  (Next meeting)

Australia #18  Illegal drugs, result pending  (Next meeting)

Spain #8 Heavy pollution, result pending  (Next meeting)

Vietnam #11 Invasive species of insect, result pending  (Next meeting)