
Russia (Russian Federation)

Russia (or the Russian Federation) became independent in 1991 after the Soviet Union collapsed. Despite the U.S.S.R became 15 independent countries, Russia is the most powerful among all, and with the rise of Putin, Russia has become another force that cannot be ignored. As the world's largest country and the strongest post-soviet country, Russia has been trying to regain it's status as the world's greatest power.

Basic Information

  • Population: 142,320,790

  • Area: 17,130,000 square kilometers

  • Language: Russian

  • Religion: Atheism, Russian Orthodox

The Russian Flag

White-nobility and frankness

Blue-faithfulness, honesty

Red-courage, generosity, love

This is Russia on the map

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Built in 1555 by the orders of Ivan the Terrible, the Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed or Saint Basil's Cathedral, is an Orthodox church. It was built to commemorate the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. The church currently serves as a museum in Red Square of Moscow.

Click here for more!

Lenin's Mausoleum

Tomb of Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Leader. The place where the mummified body of Lenin is still preserved. You can visit the tomb for free, just go in line.


Russia's government system is semi-presidential, which there are two country leaders: the president and the prime minister.

The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

(prime minister)

The prime minister is the head of the Russian government, the chief executive of the Russian Cabinet, and the second-most powerful figure in the Russian Federation. The prime minister is appointed by the president and approved by the State Duma(the Lower House of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation).

The president of the Russian Federation

Current prime minister-Mikhail Mishustin(2020~)
Current president-Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin(2012~)